Activity In The Business Environment Institutions

Polish Construction Cluster [Polski Klaster Budowlany]

Extensive experience in servicing business entities in the construction industry meant that in 2020 we decided to join the group of members of the Polish Construction Cluster. It is the largest organisation in Poland associating economic entities related to the construction industry and a certified Key National Cluster. Partner of our Law Firm, attorney-at-law Katarzyna Zuzannna Zadykowicz-Sokół, chairs the cluster Legal aspects commitee.



Podlasie Employers’ Association [Podlaskie Stowarzyszenie Pracodawców]

As the largest employer from the legal industry in the voivodeship, we joined the Podlasie Employers’ Association. The Association is a Regional Association of the Confederation Lewiatan – the most influential Polish business organisation, representing the interests of employers in Poland and the European Union. In the last election of the authorities of the Association, Katarzyna Zadykowicz-Sokół, attorney-at-law and partner at our Law Firm, was elected as the Vice-president of the Management Board of the Podlasie Employers’ Association.